Thursday, April 16, 2009

Making Sense of the Ending to Nashville

After watching the final scene of Nashville, I couldn't help but wonder, "what in the world just happened." Not because of the sudden shooting, but because of the following reaction in the crowd. I don't know how their society works, but in ours we tend to set aside a kind of grace period where we grieve for a murder victim. I consider grieving a form of respect for the deceased person and a way of expressing how much they will be missed. But oddly, this didn't occur in Nashville. Almost immediately after the shooting, the poor woman's corpse was quickly dragged off stage and the entertainment continued like nothing happened. Now, I understand that the crowd's quick turn around was supposed to represent the idea that "no one can bring down America." And yes, a similar patriotic reaction happened after 9/11, but not immediately. The entire world mourned for the thousands killed in 9/11 for months before the patriotic feelings kicked in. I realize that this tragedy was of a slightly smaller scale, but murder is murder no matter how many people are involved. I sure wouldn't want my life-less corpse tossed aside after being murdered so the crowd could sing some more country music. But hey, that's just me.